Sunday Sevens #213 22.12.19

Hello and seasons greetings on this Christmassy Sunday Sevens. I hope you are well, and not too frazzled by the pre Christmas prep.

Sunny Sunday

The weather last Sunday was truly glorious, even the cold blooded ones among us came out of from indoors to enjoy some December rays!

No, it’s not our tree

On Monday, I found myself in a beautiful Colonial building in town for a meeting. I was bowled over with this lovely tree in the entrance hall. It looked very much at home in the grand entrance.

Keep on running…

I’m on week two of my running plan, attempting to get a bit fitter. I only managed one run this week, which I’m annoyed with myself about, I was busy at the start of the week but by the end of the week the weather was pretty grim – think gale force winds and driving rain. This was taken on Wednesday morning on my walk down to the sea shore to begin my run/stumble along!

Sharing on behalf of a friend

A good friend of ours was staying over on the East side of the Rock this week and she sent me this lovely photo of the sun rising up over the horizon. What a spectacular start to the day!

Decorations are up – at last!

After much nagging from the Little Postcards, I finally got round to putting up the Christmas decorations and the tree. I wasn’t really feeling Christmassy at all and I couldn’t bring myself to put the tree up when I hadn’t completed all my pre decoration jobs, like tidying up and washing the windows. On Thursday I made a promise to Littlest that I would get the tree up and ready for him to decorate while he was at school. He was happy with that! I treated myself to some little star lights for the hallway – they are battery operated and I think they look rather nice over the mirror.

Carol singing

Also this week, we had a few of the obligatory carol singing events for school choirs. It was lovely to see Littlest singing with his school at the Artisan Christmas market in town.

Friday morning rain

That bad weather I told you about… it was a bit grim. In a break in the rain on Friday I popped quickly into town to pick up a few Christmas things I needed, before school finished at lunch time – my last proper opportunity. I just took the photo to make those of you reading this up north in the UK who might be experiencing a bit of bad weather too, realise that you are not alone! Also, that while I was feeling smug last Sunday watching the gecko sunbathing over on the East side of the Rock, that gorgeous weather was short lived!

And that, as they say is that. Sunday Sevens done for another week. Not the most inspiring set of photos I’ll grant you, but it’s been a good week for us with some fun times and a few meetings with lovely friends, which I forgot to capture in photos – probably because I was too busy talking!!

If you are celebrating Christmas I hope it is a very happy one for you. I send every good wish from Gibraltar for a lovely time with friends and family, and thank you for stopping by!

Sunday Sevens was first created by Natalie from Threads & Bobbins.

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