Sunday Sevens #142 24.6.18

Hello there, it’s been a busy week for us here in Gibraltar with two festivals, one for world music and another one for food. The weather’s been rather interesting too! Here goes…

Sea mist

Last Sunday we were still in the grips of sea mist which enveloped the Rock and caused flights to be cancelled. For those of us lucky enough to not to be traveling it was quite fun to sit and watch it changing shape out in the Bay. (Photo credit Mr Postcard).

We’re having babies!

We have had a pair of collared doves house hunting in our neighbourhood recently and it would appear that they have moved into our roof to have their little family. It looks like Mum is sitting on some eggs, I will keep you posted as to their progress.


Mid week this week, we had the Gibraltar World Music Festival in full swing. There were a number of different events including talks for school children, a concert inside St Michael’s Cave and this musical street party on Castle Steps. It was a great venue for the choirs and band, with space for us to sit on the steps and look down on the performers. The atmosphere was fabulous.

Stormy night

In the early hours of Thursday morning I was woken by a Little Postcard. When I settled him back into bed, the room lit up and there was an almighty rumble of thunder (that’s what probably disturbed him in the first place).

I thought I’d try and grab a dramatic photo of the lightning, so I headed out onto the balcony in my pjs at about 4:20am (just as well no one was passing). Needless to say I failed on the photo, just got this blurry one. I decided after about 10 minutes that I really should go back to bed!!

I’m in print!

For the first time ever, I have had an article published in print! It’s in the Calentita Press, a magazine compiled for the annual Calentita food festival. In my article I talked about growing your own food, even in small spaces (as most of us in Gibraltar have no outside space to speak of). I interviewed Andrew Abrines from the Alameda Gardens ahead of writing the piece and he gave lots of great tips for getting started. I even learned that you can grow your own pea shoots using dried marrow fat peas… and so I did…

Pea shoots!

….here they are! They took just about two weeks to grow on my kitchen windowsill and they taste lovely – very pea-ish if you get what I mean!

Now that’s what you call a barbecue…

That’s one heck of a lot of meat! This was just one of the food stalls at last night’s Calentita Festival. It was a great event, yet again and I came home with a very full tummy! I hope to write a blog post all about it in the next few days, time permitting.

So there you have it, Sunday Sevens done for another week. I hope it’s been a good one for you. Until next time, bye for now.

I’m linking with Natalie from Threads and Bobbins for this weekly blog series.

8 thoughts on “Sunday Sevens #142 24.6.18

  1. What a varied week you’ve had. You are lucky to have a camera to hand to snap things like the mist forming. Love the last pic of the smokey bbq too – having had a bbq ourselves yesterday (lot less meat!) – we were engulfed in a similar haze temporarily!

    1. Haha, yes there was rather a lot of smoke coming off it!!! Glad I didn’t have to do the cooking! I hope you enjoyed your barbecue 😊. It was a very busy week! Thank goodness for camera phones!

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